Monday, April 5, 2010

molly was afriad of these 3 psychopahs.

Molly, who was wearing her hair down and wearing a blouse, did not like these 3 psychopaths,named Gil Renard who wearing his san francisco giants baseball cap, Douglas Breen,and Eric Binford,who is more degranged than the other 2 ,were standing watching molly work at her desk, doing paper work, with these 3 psychopaths standing in front of her desk, started making molly, then molly opened one of her desk draws,and pulled out a 357 magnum handgun, which had plenty of bulletts in it, molly pointed her 357 magnum handgun at these 3 psychopaths, molly started shooting at them ,with it, Eric Binford was shot in her right knee cap, he ran away, bleeding, Gil Renard and Douglas Breen were both in one of their legs, they both ran away bleeding, to a waiting car,with the engine running, driven by Eric Binford who wearing his vamiper outfit and vampier make up, both Doulgas Breen and Gil Binford jumped into the waiting car and drove off, before molly had a chance to call the police.

Later, Molly was able to call the San Franicsco Police Deptment, to check out what happen and make sure, that she was all right.
sfpd POLICE detective Mike Stone , Assingined 2 doggie San Francisco Patrolmen named Freeway and his faith full partner, to give molly 24 hour police protection from those 3 dangerous psychpaths.
These 2 very brave sfpd patrolmen were both well armed, they carried police issue hand guns, along with their pump shotguns and 2 m-16 machine guns.

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